Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Clooney meets with Obama

(CNN) - Actor George Clooney paid a visit to the White House on Tuesday to meet with President Barack Obama and discuss his recent trip to southern Sudan.
Joining Clooney in the Oval Office meeting was Enough Project Co-Founder John Prendergast, who joined him outside of the West Wing after the meeting to talk to press.

Clooney said, "I think we're very impressed with how involved, at the highest level, this administration is and now our job is to try and continue to keep it in the press and keep it, to keep the light turned on for the next 90 days while we try and broker a peace deal, which is what they're working on right now."

The actor was heading to Capitol Hill to meet with Republican Indiana Sen. Dick Lugar, the ranking Republican on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

Clooney said it right.  Why in the world is the President of the United States who is the middle of several major crisis meeting with George Clooney to discuss foreign peace initiative?!?!?  Like it or not, the United States is a business.  We go and meddle into countries because we seek to gain power and advantage.  Those are the meetings I want to see my President attending NOT meeting with a movie star to discuss his personal goals and wish list.

What a starf*cker.