Sunday, November 14, 2010

No crotch check, no plane ride

Cute FlightAttendant:
"He's an IDIOT. As a flight attendant I can tell you that terrorist threats come in all shapes, sizes, and colors. It's people like him who get on planes and don't want to follow the rules and make my job extremely unbearable. He masks his idiocy in some sort on convoluted revolution against "the system" but he really just doesn't want to follow rules that are set in place for everyone's safety. No one made him buy a choosing to buy a plane ticket he chose to submit himself to all safety directives. Ride Greyhound or Amtrak if you don't want to go through security. TSA is not perfect, no system is, but it does a very hard task of trying to prevent horrific acts by terrorist (foreign and domestic) that are intent on killing American's. People like this need to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law to show the seriousness of his idiocy!"

My response to "Cute" FlightAttendant:
YOU must be a democrat.  YOU ARE AN IDIOT and while I am at it, I'm going to throw in Napolitano as well.  She knows nothing about what it means to be an American and what it takes to protect us on land or in air.  She needs to start with something simple like how to prevent ants from climbing up on a LEGO wall and then graduate into reading how-to-protect-the-US-for-
DUMMIES.  These pervert machines give a false sense of security and so are the pat downs.  We are not attacking the source of the problem.  Barry Soetoro could learn a few things from Sarkozy in trying to maintain some order back within the US.  First off, get the illegals out.  I dont care what color, size, age they are, get them out and believe me, we can find them.  We know where they are.  EVERYONE DOES.  It's not JUST because they are illegals, but they siphon our resources and contribute NOTHING BACK.  Second, slow down immigration and let's do a better job vetting everyone who wants to come in and deport those who do not belong here.  Third, we need to focus more on intelligence gathering, now more then ever.  It's not too late for the US to revert back, but we need to pull a Chris Christie and just do it.  Make it happen.  If Michelle wasnt always riding on Barry maybe his spine would be a little stronger.  But then again he is a Muslim.  Yes, I said it.  Before you get disgusted with me and form your opinions of me, go do some research and stop believing everything you read from one source and believe that anything is possible.
We dont need him in office, we need a President who loves this country.  He grew up in a country that is 90% Muslim with influences like Rev Wright, Jeremiah Wright, that guy who declared himself a Communist.  Oh wait, that doesnt exactly narrow down the people around him.  I dont have all the time to mention the corrupt Rezo, ACORN, and all the other folks, daylight is getting shorter and shorter around here, but I do have this one last piece for Cute FlightAttendant.  I dont give you guys much credit at all in knowing what it means to be a flight attendant.  I am not going to delve into how I feel about the current flight attendants, but boy do I miss the ones from back in the day.  They were nice, pleasant, friendly, well mannered and did their job.