Friday, August 14, 2009

Warning: Socialism Ahead

Take 10 minutes out of your weekend and listen to what Ronald Reagan had to say about socialized medicine in 1961.

Socialized medicine has been a liberal/socialist dream for generations and it's dangers are no less today than they were in the 60's

If you do not pay attention and make your voice heard, the free market system that our nation was built on will be dismantled and the damage will be permanent

Obama has the most radical agenda since FDR. It is up to the citizenry in this country to stand up and tell Obama, Pelosi, Reid and the rest of the clowns in D.C. that we believe the strength of this country is in it's free enterprise system; not with some bureaucrats in D.C.

Anybody still believe in that Hope and Change crap? If so, I have some land in Miami I can sell you
