Friday, October 9, 2009

Obama Nobel Peace Laureate

Dont forget the Pulitzer.. he did come out with a few books.
Below is a conversation I had with a friend of mine. Obviously we stand on different lines when it comes to our parties.

10:06 AM Friend: bonjour cindy how u doing?

10:20 AM me: did u hear obama won the nobel peace prize

10:21 AM Friend: yes this morning. more for effort and good intentions than any results i'd say

10:31 AM Friend: u still dont like him? or u changed ur mind? :)
10:43 AM me: nah, dont like him. obama wins peace prize, but we got iran building nukes, n korea has them, our allies dont like us, where is peace?
those town hall meetings about healthcare reform were not exactly "peace"ful either

10:48 AM Friend: i agree that he hasnt achieved anything significant yet..but he seems to be a nice guy..and on the right path with regard to nukes..he talks abt reducing america's stockpile, which will then give him something to talk about with other countries...who otherwise will simply ask why is it okay for a few countries to have nukes and not the others? did u happen to read krugman today?

10:52 AM me: in order for peace, there must be a dominance player because we live in a world with radicals and unreasonable leaderships like fidel castro and n korea (who starves their own people) and russia (who kills their own people) and Iraq (who killed and tortured his own people). these unreasonable leaders are not out to compromise with anyone

10:54 AM me: how many times has N Korean agreed to disarmament in return for food and $$ and then renege after they received food and $$. there is something wrong w the world when the radical leaders give praise to obama and his 'leadership skills' but all our allies move away from us. they praise him because they see through him. they see he is weak and will not attack nor protect this country

10:57 AM Friend: human ego will never permit one dominant leader...besides, as the financial crisis has shown, being democratic and "advanced" doesnt mean one will be responsible...general vices like greed, selfishness, etc exist all over the world...besides, america is probably the only one to have actually used WMDs (on Japan) the credibility further reduces...also, most of the modern day 'rouge' leaders have been created by short-sighted CIA officials of the past..and now these radical leaders finally think there is someone they can relate to

11:16 AM me: we have weapons to not only protect US but to also protect our allies. Other countries rely on our military to protect them. Look up German's military supply, or France? Or what about Greece? Italy? Swiss? Who do you think other countries are going to look to when they see N korea is pointing their missiles in their direction? What about when N Korea was aiming their missiles in S korea's direction? What about when N Korea was pointing their missiles in Hawaii's directions? Why do so many people come to the US? We are a nation of capitalism, ideas, and power. No one goes to Iran because it's the land of opportunities. US being arm properly not only means protection our country and other countries but also our economy.

11:49 AM Friend: that is exactly what people won't accept...nobody will accept...its like me saying - "I have a multi million-dollar job. But you should be happy with 50k. You shouldn't get more than that because "I" don't believe you will use the extra money wisely. You may use that money against your neighbor or even inside your own home. If you have specific needs like groceries, etc. come to me and I'll help you". which self-respecting individual will accept that? same goes with countries..

12:45 PM me: no other except for the radical countries really think the US are bullies... And to answer your question "which self respecting country would accept help from other country? Plenty, that's why countries join the United Nations...

12:58 PM Friend: ok, we'll continue monday :)
here's something else for now -