Wednesday, February 3, 2010

govt: too big to fail?

here is another take on those infamous words that were once used to refer to our financial system - picture this: calls to inquire about your health insurance coverage reminds you of dealing with the dmv; rows and rows of available tellers but they all point you to another line; another long and slow moving line. Metro North trains are almost never on time anymore and the travelling experience is almost as good as NJ Transit and Amtrak.  When looking for a job, you go to the government job boards to see what is available; the government is also there for a student loan, with a forgiving debt after 20 years; 10 years if you are a government worker.

The average government worker gets paid 75k, well above the private sector, pension and retirement after 20 years.  Very nice, but where is the government getting the Obama money from?  Does he have a secret stash he plans to share with everyone?  Or is the government going to pick the pockets of the private sector?  What happens when the government makes a greater incentive to work for the government, what happens to the private sector?  Now, remember this, the government does not produce anything.  The government is funded by the private sector.  The private sector is what keeps the economy running.  The bigger the government, the bigger the burden for all the taxpayers.

Will you ever receive Social Security?  Forecast is not looking good under this government.  Will Medicaid fall under the same fate?

The next time you are on a DMV line or waiting on a post office line; the person who you are waiting for to help you, they probably make just as much as you, with better benefits, less working hours, all sans degree.  What in their life have they done to warrant a job; a high paying job, great benefits and you never get fired???  Can they survive the expectations of a private sector job?  Zoom out and think larger scope.  Imagine the government taking over more of the private sector and infiltrates your daily life with public service employee.  Will service improve or worsen?  Let me answer that question for you.  Service will worsen from the same public sector that relies on your tax dollars to fund their service.  What does that mean?  In the clearest of clear narratives, you are paying for that horrible service.  You are paying for everything the government wants to do.

Getting back to my question.  Can a government be too big to fail?  No - that is just it.  A government too big will fail.