Friday, July 3, 2009

Black is beautiful?

Black is sleek. The black American Express. The black Porsche boxster. The little black dress. And then you have the Blacks. How did the word black become synonymous with luxury and status when how we really came to know of the word is by the African Americans who occupy our govt housings? History has not been fair to them, America is sensitive towards their anguish. We have affirmative action, we acknowledge Martin Luther King, when is enough enough? We have govt housing, welfare programs, assistance programs, how much more of a handicap is needed? Why are they so helpless and continue to allow the white man dictate their lives? They voted for a Black man to be in office but aside from historic reasons, why? Now what? I will never know how it feels like to be a Black person, Hispanic person, or White and they will never how would it feels to walk in my shoes, but everyone has obstacles. Yes, even the White people. White people dont come with white picket fences. They have to buy them just like the rest of us. Why get so caught up on how unfair society is because guess what? Society is not fair to anyone. No one escapes difficulties in life. I know how it is to be me and I can complain about my experiences growing up that I think contributes to where I want to be versus where I am right now, but I'm not going to do that. Because no one is more responsible for myself then myself.
They have spent so much time blaming others for their inadequacies and hang ups, they forgot to study and learn their ABC's. They want respect so they hide behind guns and gang logos. I thank the ones who care about their lives and the lives of their loved ones because 5 years from now, they will have acquired more wealth and happiness, they will have more to lose being a delinquent in our society.
Cosby said it best "“turn the mirror around on ourselves.” “I think that it is time for concerned African Americans to march, galvanize and raise the awareness about this epidemic to transform our helplessness, frustration and righteous indignation into a sense of shared responsibility and action"