Wednesday, July 1, 2009

The King is Dead: The Race Factor...?

The gloved one is dead. Shocked, sad, surprised. How did the race issue come up? Jamie Foxx was on the BET Awards quoted saying "We want to celebrate this black man. He belongs to us and we shared him with everyone else." Really??!!? So did they also get a share of MJ's royalty checks? I dont think so, since two thirds of them are still waiting on the govt's checks. They just want a piece of everything, even if it aint theirs. P Diddy felt the media was being racist for bringing up MJ's negative past. "The way y'all are reporting on this man's know, you know, we didn't do Elvis like that. We didn't do JFK like that. This man is like, you know, one of the greatest heroes for us. He's one of the reasons why Barack Obama's president". First of all, yes we did report on Elvis and JFK like that well, and Frank Sinatra and Marilyn Monroe and a whole host of other celebrities. Because as heartless as this may seen, bad news sells. Not everything is always about race. But it will always feel that way if you hold on to that. Let it go. Let it go. Everyone loved MJ. How did MJ's concert all get sold out? Certainly not by those who are still waiting for their food coupons in their $100 a month subsidized apts. Why put up the race barrier when MJ tried so hard to bring it down. What ever happened to "Heal the world, make it a better place...".