Monday, November 30, 2009

Howie Long: his long way up

The headlights cut through Charlestown section of Boston, and occasionally the car bumped a little as it ran over a patch of cobblestones or an abandoned trolley track. Howie Long slumped low next to the driver and watched the familiar streets slide by.

"The Neck," he said. "This part is called the Neck. It's where the British landed the day before Bunker Hill. We used to go down to the playground here when we were kids and look out across the water and watch Chelsea burn. Every two or three years Chelsea burns."

There was a pause. The car passed a series of dark, low apartments.

"The Projects," he said. There was no further comment. Howie Long's sister lives in the area.

It was a bleak night in February and Uncle Mike Mullan was driving. Mike Mullan, a man as tough as his name. Bald, hard, he spoke in four-and five-word sentences, and his occasional snappers had an edge of bitterness. When he died of leukemia four months later, it hit Howie Long very hard. Uncle Mike was one of the four Mullan brothers, Long's four uncles who took charge of a maverick Charlestown street kid and turned him into a 6' 5", 275-pound All-Pro defensive end for the Los Angeles Raiders. Actually five Mullans had a hand in it.

The fifth was Long's grandmother, Elizabeth Hilton Mullan, whom everybody, including Howie, calls Ma. It was to her house, which she shared with Uncle Mike until his death, that they were driving on this winter night. Every year Long leaves his home in Redondo Beach, Calif. And comes back to Charlestown. It helps him keep things straight -- where he is now, where he has been.

The car turned off Main Street onto Albion Place to No. 7, halfway up a hill that leads to a dead end. It's a two-way street with one lane. If you meet another vehicle on the way up, you back down and try again. Imitation gas streetlights provide a kind of antique touch.

Parking is no problem on Albion Place -- if you live there. People don't park in front of someone else's house. An occasional stranger who makes that mistake doesn't make it again. Once, a couple of off-seasons ago, Long, with out-of-state license plates on his car, parked in front of his grandmother's house at 7 Albion Place and someone ripped off his stereo. It made headlines in the Boston papers and provided a lively topic for the interview sessions before the Raiders-Redskins Super Bowl.

"They wrote that I came from the slums, the ghetto, Gangland, U.S.A.," Long says. "It became a locker room joke. The people here didn't think it was very funny. They were offended. They're very proud people, working-class people, Irish mostly, and very close. They're suspicious of outsiders, and that's what I am now, an outsider. You'd think I'd be a favorite son in Charlestown. I'm not. I'm not a hero. I didn't play my football here. I left."

Heroes played for the Townies, the local semipro team in the Park League. The games were down by the Neck. Jack the barber coached them.

Playing football held no appeal for Long as a child. He could run fast and was big, too big. When he was nine he weighed 120 pounds. When he was 11 he was as big as the 13- and 14-year-olds. His uncle Billy, and then his cousin by marriage, Bob Murray, got him onto the Pop Warner teams they coached. He didn't stick around -- for good reason.

"I was C-team age and A-team weight," Long said. "I didn't feel like going out there and taking a daily beating from kids two and three years older."

There was another thing, though, and it has been the dark shadow that has followed Long throughout his life. No confidence. Fear of failure, fear of being humiliated. On the street it was no problem. He could play street hockey, the No. 1 sport in Charlestown -- "ball hockey," they called it -- and he could play basketball and baseball in the playground, but football was different. It was organized, the real thing, uniforms, adults to yell at you, everybody watching. Pressure. The downside potential was too great.

Even as he climbed the football ladder, conquering each plateau as it came, the fear never left him. Two years after he finally committed himself to football he was a high school all-stater, seriously recruited by major schools. But to him, bigtime college football meant only the chance for big-time failure.

"I'd just finished reading Meat on the Hoof, by Gary Shaw, where he tells about what they did to guys at Texas when they wanted their scholarships back," Long says, "how they ran them off the team and put them through torture drills. I was terrified. What if I can't play?"

He signed a letter of intent at Boston College and immediately had second thoughts. "What happens if he gets hurt?" his uncle Billy asked a BC coach.

"The guy told me, 'Well, we only have so many scholarships a year,' " Bill Mullan says. " 'He'd lose it.' So Howie switched and went to Villanova, where they offered him a four-year."

By his senior year he was good enough to be chosen for the Blue-Gray all-star game in Montgomery, Ala. -- as a late entry. Joe Restic, the Harvard coach and one of the assistant coaches for the Blue team, needed a spot on the roster filled. He chose Howie, who had been a high school teammate of his son, Joe Restic Jr.

"I roomed with Colin McCarty, the middle guard from Temple who'd driven trucks with Joe Klecko," Long says. "No one talked to us. No one offered to take us out to dinner. It was the worst week of my life. They had a banquet the night before the game, and they introduced me to the guy I was going to play against, Zach Guthrie of Texas A & M. Texas? I'd never met anyone from Texas in my whole life. I'd seen him during the week. Great big guy, two-tone shoes, leather jacket, leather cap, toothpick in his mouth all the time. Never said a word. They announced his name at the banquet, then they announced me as the guy who'd be playing against him, and Frank Howard, the old Clemson coach who was emceeing the thing, pointed his finger at me and said, 'That's you, boy.' Scared? Hell, yes, I was scared."

And when the game started, when Long got his first taste of combat, the fear melted, and it was just football. He blocked a punt and pressured the quarterback all day. When it was over he was named defensive MVP. He said hello to his grandmother on national TV afterward and added, "Ma, it stinks here. I want to come home."

In his first training camp with the Raiders the fear came back. "I thought I stunk," he says. "I had no confidence -- none. I couldn't understand why they'd drafted me in the second round."

He remembers lining up for his first live-contact drill and looking across the line at the glare of 300-pound Artie Shell. "I thought, Oh my God," Long says.

He sits in his grandmother's kitchen in Charlestown, his great frame crowding the room, his face alight and open as he tells these stories. It's the face of innocence, an Irish minstrel boy's face transported to the body of a massive grown man. This magnificent body, combined with those clean, chiseled good looks, already has the Hollywood talent scouts buzzing. Now where is there a part for a 275-pound choirboy? He is 25 years old with two years of All-Pro behind him, a wife who has completed two years of law school and a healthy baby son named Christopher Howard Long. It's all there ahead of him, a life of infinite promise, and yet almost every story he tells about himself, every anecdote, has an undercurrent of despair. It's not me, he seems to be telling you, this isn't really me that you see here in front of you.

Long achieved celebrity status in 1983, his first All-Pro year. Writers who met him for the first time during Super Bowl week in Tampa in the tent put up for mass interviews were surprised by his soft-spoken, articulate manner and his wry, often hilarious way of expressing himself. One morning, with 30 or so writers crowding his little interview table, Long tipped his chair back, stared up at the top of the tent and proceeded to let loose a stream of consciousness that could become the definitive word on the surrealism of Super Bowl press days:

"Give me a day to die. . . . Are we in Kansas yet, Toto? I don't know where I am. . . . Oh God, I'm in a tent. . . ."

Some kid, huh? Bright, great talent.

"Do you know what I was thinking the first day they had those press interviews?" he says. "I was thinking, Every player has his own table. What if nobody's at mine? How will I handle the embarrassment?"

Fear. Self-doubt. Curt Marsh, the Raider guard who roomed with Long at their first minicamp, remembers waking up in the middle of the night to see a frenzied Long wrestling the TV set off the wall and preparing to throw it out the window. "His eyes were wide open, and they had the glassy look of a maniac's," Marsh says. "I thought, Who am I living with? Then I realized he was asleep. I called, 'Howie! Howie!' There were nights when I saw him get up in his sleep and start fighting people. Once he almost went through a window. . . ."

Long's wife, Diane, says, "He was always like a volcano about to erupt, always driven. Everywhere we went, he thought people were staring at him."

The story starts in Charlestown, one of the oldest towns in Massachusetts -- it was settled in 1628. There are a few Colonial landmarks in Charlestown, but the pervading look is early industrial revolution, dark, soot-stained brick walls, abandoned factories, and the great gray shadow of the Projects. Long's first memories are street memories.

"There's the Bunker Hill Elementary School, the first school I went to," he said as the car cruised the area last winter. "And this is Hood's the dairy, where my grandmother worked for 26 years. We used to play touch football on this little 10-foot-wide patch of grass between the dairy and the street. If you could catch a down-and-out pass on that field you were a serious player. And that's Eden Street Park across the street. See those three kids on the bench? That was me 12 years ago. Here's the place, Decatur Street, under the highway, where I got hit in the head with a bat. Me and this kid were hitting rocks, and as I bent down he cut loose with his home run swing and it caught me in the forehead. I didn't go down. I went to one knee. I had a lump this big. I walked home. Nobody was there; I went to bed."

"Howie was always bigger than everybody else," says his cousin Michael Mullan, a brewer for Anheuser-Busch, "but he wasn't tough. When you're that big and you ain't tough you've got a problem. Everyone wants a piece of a big guy. Kids would pick on him. I used to have to force him to fight. He'd be crying; he wouldn't do it. I gave him a choice -- fight them or get smacked by me. After a while people left him alone."

Those memories haunt Howie Long to this day. The bitterness never leaves. "My cousin talks about throwing me into the street at seven or eight years old to defend myself," he says. "Can you imagine what that's like? What seven-year-old kid wants to fight?"

At home there was no one to turn to. The Long family lived with his grandmother and Uncle Mike at 7 Albion Place, but his father, Howie Long Sr., was pulling long hours loading milk for Hood's Dairy, and his mother was bedridden most of the time, suffering from periodic attacks of epilepsy. Howie's four uncles, the Mullan brothers, had their own kids to worry about. There was only his grandmother, Ma, to feed him and clothe him. She knew what it was like to grow up alone. She was an orphan who finally had been rescued from a Catholic children's home in Yonkers, N.Y. by her aunt, Nellie O'Neill of Charlestown. She married Michael Mullan from Londonderry in 1925. He died of cancer in 1955.

"He'd been a major in the IRA," Long says. "He lived next to the police station, and they tell stories about how he used to pass information along by a series of smoke signals from the chimney."

When Howie was nine, the Longs moved out of his grandmother's home to a house at 170 Bunker Hill St. "From that minute on, everything went downhill," Long says. "No one ever cooked in our house." He remembers sneaking over to 7 Albion Place, where his grandmother or his aunt Edie would feed him. Two years after the move his parents separated; a year after that they were divorced.

The memories remain, always dark, always haunting. He says that on the day the divorce went through, his mother "kind of went crazy" and went after his sister. He broke up the fight. After the separation he remembers his mother dragging him through the neighborhood at night, trying to find his father, hoping to catch him with another woman.

When the Raiders played in the Super Bowl in Tampa, the Boston Herald found Long's mother in Port Richey, Fla. She had remarried and retired. They took a picture of her with rosary beads in one hand and a picture of Howie in the other. "Mother's pride . . ." the caption read.

"A reporter from that paper called me up," Long says, "and asked me if I would get on a conference call with my mother. They wanted to do a This Is Your Life kind of thing. I told him, 'Don't you ever call me again.' "

After the divorce, the court had awarded custody of Howie, then 12, to his mother. "That was just their ruling, but nobody fought for custody.

No one wanted the responsibility," he says. "Eventually I wound up back at my uncle Mike's house. I felt like the orphan everybody took in. Do you know what it's like to be 12 years old and not wanted?

"I would have liked to have lived with my dad, but when they got divorced he was working as a day laborer, sleeping in his car at night. Then he lived in a rooming house in City Square. He'd had a terrible life. He'd spent 13 years in an orphanage in Salem. Once we drove by it, an awful-looking place with barbed wire outside. As a kid I remember my father waking up at night in a cold sweat, ready to defend himself."

Howard Long Sr. had moved back into 7 Albion Place and lived with his ex-wife's mother and brother for nine years, until April 13 when he remarried and moved to East Boston.

He describes his relationship with Howie as "cordial, but we'll never be as close as we should be because of what has happened in the past. I'm not proud of what happened, but what could I do? I was struggling."

He is in his late 40s, youthful looking for a man with a 25-year-old son. Howie owes his height to his father, who stands 6' 8" and weighs 230, with black hair and sharply defined features. Sitting in the Mullans' kitchen, his hands gripping a cup of cold coffee, he speaks in subdued tones as he tells a story of Gothic horror about the Massachusetts of his boyhood.

"I lived with foster parents until I was four," he says, "and then I was sent to Plummer Farms School in Winter Island near Salem. It was a terrible, terrible place. You did 10 hours of farmwork a day and two hours of school. There was one teacher for the whole place. I was in the sixth grade at 17. There was no talking allowed inside the building. If you were caught talking, they made you hold your hands out, and you were beaten with a leather strap soaked in kerosene overnight. The kids who were too big for that were punched in the face. When I was 17, I was given a choice of staying in the home or going into the Army. I jumped at the chance. I'd never seen a dollar bill until I went into the service, never talked to a girl until I was 18. I met Peggy Mullan at a record hop in Charlestown as I was rotating out of the Army."

He studies the coffee cup and his hands tighten. "Seven of us went into the service," he says. "Six of them got dishonorable discharges. I was the only one who didn't. I've only met one guy who was in the home when I was there. He was a bum. I saw him on a bench in Boston Common."

He pauses again. "You know," he says, "there was a time when Howie and I almost didn't talk at all. I'm very happy for him now, for what he's done."

It's a life that could have gone in almost any direction, but underneath it all, underlying the bitterness and despair, runs a strong current of self-preservation.

"I never fooled around with drugs, and I was never an outlaw or a punk," Howie says. "Drugs scared me. I thought that if I did any kind of drugs I'd die. It was such an easy choice. It was as if someone said, 'Hey, kid, do you want a hot-fudge sundae, or do you want to hold your hand over a fire?'

"I was a street kid, but that meant hopping a ride on the back of the MTA down to Revere Beach -- that's the beach that's made out of concrete -- or sneaking into the Boston Garden to watch the Celtics or the Bruins. We had our whole plan of attack drawn up like a battle plan; we'd scratch it in the dirt. I'd cut school and go over to the Lori-Ann Donut Shop and eat doughnuts. I got a job at the pet store near Lechmere, unloading fish tanks. They gave me $10 for unloading a full long-bed truckload. I never broke a fish tank. When I asked for a raise, I got fired.

"My uncle John was a cop at the time, and he got me a job at this bar, the Rusty Scupper, sweeping up. I was 13, and I looked 16. I stood 6' 1", and I had this little broom and dustpan, and the place would be packed and I'd have to bend over and go around people's legs -- 'Excuse me, sir.'

"I loved it: They gave me a striped rugby shirt. It said Rusty Scupper on it, and I'd take it to bed with me. To me it was the Cadillac of sport shirts. My idol was a bouncer with a cast on his hand, a guy named Topper Rogers. He's a Boston cop. I wanted to be like him. Anyway Ma, my grandmother, came down and made me get out of the place."

By the time Howie was 14 and ready for his sophomore year in high school, a major problem had developed: He had become a truant. No classroom could hold him. He had missed 45 consecutive days of school. The busing riots were a convenient excuse, for many parents were hesitant about sending their kids to school. But Howie Long needed no excuses to stay away from class. There was too much going on outside. . . fish tanks to unload, an occasional $20 to pick up longshoring on the docks when he could convince them he was 16. The Mullans had a conference. What should they do with this overgrown kid?

He could stay with Uncle George or Uncle Mike in Charlestown, but that didn't seem likely to work. It would just be more of the same. There was Uncle John, the cop, a solid officer who had once won the Medal of Valor for saving his partner's life. Uncle John had moved out of the area. "I was the social climber," he says. "I moved to South Boston." But, no, his hours were too irregular. Then there was Uncle Billy, a supervisor with the Boston Housing Authority, a star for the Townies, who had played service football in France. He ran his house with the same military discipline he had learned in the Army. He lived in Milford, Mass., a suburban community 20 miles to the southwest, in a house that was crowded with two of his own children and two that he and his wife, Aida, had adopted. There were no luxuries, but Uncle Billy looked like he might be the answer for a truant teenager.

The family had already tried to enroll Howie in a vocational course to train him to be an electrician, but he had been turned down mainly because of those 45 missed days. Uncle Billy said he would take the kid, but he would have to obey the house rules. They packed a suitcase for Howie, and Uncle John took him downtown, bought him his first suit, and sent him to the suburbs.

Milford, Long says, was "high school, U.S.A. A beautiful place. They had cheerleaders, grass fields. I didn't know there was grass on the other side of the hill. I thought every place was like Charlestown. The first time I saw it, it was intimidating because it was so beautiful. The kids called me 'the Bostonian.' As an out-of-towner, I wasn't well received. I didn't have the kind of clothes the other kids had. I didn't have any parents in the booster club."

But Milford also had something else, a very dedicated coach named Dick Corbin. The first time he got a look at the 6' 2", 200-pound Long he suggested that he come out for football.

Corbin, who's the offensive line coach at Harvard now, says Long was a "survivor" as a sophomore but had become a "player" as a 6' 3", 235-pound junior tackle. In the winter between those seasons he played basketball and in the spring he threw the weights. The football team went undefeated his junior year and beat Pittsfield, 42-7, in the state championship. By his senior year, recruiters already had a pretty good handle on him.

"He broke his ankle on the first play of our second game," Corbin recalls. "The doctor said it was a four- to six-week injury. Howie said, 'Coach, my life is over.' In three days he had the cast off, and 1 saw him jogging around the field by himself, limping actually, and two weeks later he played."

In the classroom his dedication wasn't as evident. "When I first got there the teacher said, 'O.K., class, write a short story on your vacation.' " Long says. "Vacation? What vacation? I didn't even know how to start it."

He began cutting classes, and finally Corbin turned him over to his wife, Ruth Ann, an English and math teacher, for special tutoring.

"He was bright, you could see that right away," she says, "but he'd never had any discipline. In Charlestown he'd just been passed along. The interesting thing was that he always spoke with perfect grammar, even though he had no formal knowledge of it. That was probably his grandmother's influence.

"He let things slide, though. He'd show up an hour late for our appointment; he hadn't done the work. One day I told him, 'I can't work with you.' He was shocked. Everyone had always made allowances. After that he was O.K."

Life at home, according to Long, was a series of groundings. Those were Uncle Billy's traditional punishments, usually for missing the 9 p.m. curfew.

To this day, Long perceives his uncle Billy as a man of stern and unbending principle, but that doesn't give the whole picture. There's a fine strain of humor in the man, and underlying all is compassion, always great compassion. In the Mullan family Uncle Billy's house was the refuge for wayward relatives.

"That grounding was about Matthew's 40th life sentence," he says, calling Howie by his middle name, "the sentences to run concurrently. You know there were times when he wouldn't talk to me for two or three days. But the end of it is, look how he turned out."

Villanova received Long with these words from head coach Dick Bedesem: "He's unquestionably the finest recruit that our coaching staff has signed since we've been here."

Long was a big fish in a little pond. The Wildcats had losing seasons his first three years. "No film room," he says, "no reporters in the locker room; Ivy League level without IW League wealth."

Diane Addonizio, a classical-studies major from Red Bank, N.J., met Howie Long in her freshman year when he was a sophomore. She recalls him as being moody and hard to know -- "but attractive, boy was he attractive. I'd never met anyone that big who was that good-looking." The first real date they had was when Howie invited her to his room to watch an NFL game on TV.

"A little 12-inch, black-and-white TV that my grandmother gave me," he says. "A TV with lines on it and a coat hanger for an antenna. We watched a Dallas game. That's when they were still experimenting with Randy White at linebacker. On one play he got a running start and wham, he knocked the ballcarrier's helmet off. I started cheering. 'Wow, did you see that!' Diane must have thought I was nuts."

"Howie wasn't one of these guys who's too cool to have idols," says Diane, who married Long in June 1982. "He had pictures of Matt Millen and Bruce Clark from Penn State on his wall, and Mike Webster and Jack Lambert of the Steelers, and Joe Klecko from this area. Once he took me to a powerlifting competition at Villanova, and after we sat down he nudged me and said, 'Don't look around, but Joe Klecko just showed up.' He was absolutely in awe."

It took her some time to finally understand this strange, moody young giant she was so attached to. "He didn't send me a Valentine's Day card when we first started going together. That upset me, and I told him so," she says. "Then he explained how holidays never meant anything special to him. At Villanova when everyone went home for the holidays or the summer he was always the guy who stayed in the dorms. You know how a child's bed is special to him? Well, he never had his own. It was always a couch or something, while he was bouncing around from relative to relative. He was always living out of a suitcase, he always had his possessions on him. It took me awhile to understand that."

NFL scouts who came to test Long after his senior year saw another side of his character: He was always willing to work out, to run, to test -- at any hour of the day or night.

"The Patriots worked me out in the snow," he says. "They plowed the field. I ran 40s and 20s, did a vertical jump. I asked the guy for a pair of turf shoes. He gave me a Patriots key ring. I kept it. I thought it was the greatest thing in the world."

He was rated as a third- or fourth-round draft choice, but after the BlueGray game his stock rose. The Raiders sent their defensive line coach, Earl Leggett, to Villanova to work him out. "Earl had me set a couple of times and plant and come upfield 20 yards, and then he left," Long said. "I thought, Well, that's one team I can forget about, and I went up to my room and watched Leave It to Beaver."

"I had seen his Blue-Gray films," Leggett recalls, "and we knew he'd run a 4.75 forty, but when you got around him you could feel the damn power and energy. You could just feel the brute strength."

Long finished his college career at 251 pounds. When he showed up at the Raiders' first minicamp he weighed 297, "just a biscuit away from 300," he says. "I thought everyone had to weigh 290 in the NFL. Earl looked at me and said, 'What happened to the guy I drafted?' "

When the regular camp opened, Long found himself across the line from Art Shell. "It was the first pit drill," he says. "I had checked out the line, and I saw that Matuszak was going against Lawrence, and Kinlaw against Dalby and Dave Browning against Shell, and I was going to get Lindsey Mason. I was getting ready for Mason when Shell came up and Earl said, 'Browning, step out of there, I want to see Long against him.' I thought, He's going to kill me. And he almost did. He hit me so hard he split the top of my right cheekbone and at the same time gave me the fists in the stomach. It was the most devastating pop I ever got in the NFL. My cheekbone still lumps up every year in training camp in the same spot."

In 1981 he was 21, the second-youngest rookie in the NFL, Houston cornerback Bill Kay edging him by four days. "Howie was the greenest of the green," Leggett says. "He didn't know nothing about playing the game." Leggett called him "My pro from Villanowhere."

Each scrimmage, each game, became a death struggle. Eventually, all of Long's fears crystallized into one overwhelming urge to get the guy opposite him before he could deliver another dose of the Artie Shell treatment.

The rookies gave Long the nickname Caveman. The veterans were amused by him, by his intensity. What the hell, we're the Raiders. We've seen all types. "I didn't know what to make of them," Long says. "I remember going into a bar in Santa Rosa, where we trained -- the Bamboo Room it was called -- and Ted Hendricks was sitting on a stool and next to him was this life-size blowup doll. He said, 'Howie, meet Molly. Molly's my date tonight.' "

The Raiders would use Long in passrush situations as a tackle in the nickel defense. He remembers the Patriots' John Hannah and the Chargers' Ed White taking him to school. Mike Webster of the Steelers put him on his back on the first play, and Doug Wilkerson of the Chargers "did tricks with me." But the intensity was always there. And in the fourth quarter, when things started to sag a little, Long would come on strong. He got his sacks and he wound up leading the team as a rookie.

He started the last five games of the strike year, 1982, and by 1983 he was a regular. He began following Leggett around like a puppy. The players called him Howie Leggett. Lyle Alzado arrived from Cleveland with plenty of giddap left in his aging legs and a willingness to share 11 NFL seasons' worth of knowledge with the young lineman. The club decided that Alzado should room with Long. "Lyle would bring a piece of chocolate cake and a glass of milk up to the room at 8:30, and at nine o'clock it was lights-out and the TV off," Long says. "I thought, Oh my God, I'm back with my uncle Billy again. I'd get a roll-away cot and sneak over to Calvin Peterson and Marcus Allen's room and watch TV.

"In the huddle Alzado was our leader, no question about it," Long says. "Still is. We say that Lyle will never retire. Eventually we'll prop him up on a horse and sew his eyelids open and he'll play forever. He'll be our El Cid. . . ."

In his last two All-Pro years Long has become the Raiders' strongman on the defensive line, controlling the run and exerting pressure from the left end spot or as a tackle in the four-man pass rush. The night before a game he locks himself in his room with two cheeseburgers, a dozen iced teas and two reels of film. "If I don't look at films the night before, I feel naked the next day," he says.

He has mastered lots of subtle tricks of the trade -- for example: "One thing I learned is never bend over in the defensive huddle. Stay up high and watch the other team's sideline, especially if the quarterback is over there talking to the coach. There's always that moment when he leaves him and starts back to the huddle and then forgets something and goes back. If you watch their lips, that's when you might pick something off."

Long's basic move off the line is devastating -- it is the rip, an uppercut designed to break the opponent's grip and stop all forms of hand-to-hand combat. The hand fighters, he says, simply waste too much time. To counter Long's move, offenses use the tackle to set him up and then have the tight end crack down on his legs. That's where the trouble usually starts, setting off one of "the 80 or so fights I've had in the NFL," which have earned Long a reputation as a wild man.

"A lot of teams do it, but Kansas City is the worst," he says. "Willie Scott, their tight end, almost maimed me last year, and a big fight started. I told him, 'It might be legal, but do it again and I'll come down with my three-quarter-inch spikes and rip your ribs off.' That's the Catholic in me. Warn 'em first. Hey, look, I can't be responsible for what I do."

A few minilegends have already sprung up about Long. There was the time he went into the Seattle offensive huddle during a time-out and said to the trainer, "Give me that water. They don't need it. They're not doing anything."

"A few guys in the huddle laughed, guys that I know," Long says. "Ken Easley reminded me of it at the last Pro Bowl. He loved it."

There was the time Long screamed at Chicago guard Kurt Becker: "I'm going to get you in the parking lot after the game and beat you up in front of your family!"

"Yeah, I said it," Long says. "He'd spent the day flying over the pile and hitting defensive backs late. He was my target for the game, but I had missed him and sprained my back, so I was upset. Everyone has their favorite threat, and that's mine. Lyle's is 'I'll kill you and everything you love.' "

The Raiders' reputation as intimidators took some lumps last year. Chicago outplayed them. Pittsburgh and Seattle ran the ball on them. Long sighs and admits, "Things were bad. Injuries, mistakes, some people just didn't play well."

Three weeks before the end of the season Long was wondering if he would have a shot at the Pro Bowl. His sacks were down, thanks to the double-team attention he was getting, but the statistics didn't show holding penalties by opponents, and the Raiders figure that Long and the Bucs' Lee Roy Selmon led the league in that category.

"I won't have the sacks of a Mark Gastineau," Long says, "and I won't get all those pursuit tackles. Our responsibilities are different. He's allowed to free-lance all over the field. I have back-side responsibility. I have to play the reverses and cutbacks. Let me know when Gastineau decides to play the run."

Al Davis, the Raiders' managing general partner, feels that Long is a player with "superstar qualities and room for improvement." Long says he'll dedicate the 1985 season to zeroing in more accurately on quarterbacks. "I came in too high a lot of times," he says. "They'd duck, and I'd miss."

The Raiders acknowledged Long's worth when they rewrote his contract after he staged a four-day holdout last July. They eventually gave him $3 million for four years, none of it deferred, a package that is the best in the NFL in terms of real money for a defensive lineman.

It's always a shock when people meet Long for the first time. Last winter his uncle John, the ex-cop who's now the driver and bodyguard for the agent Bob Woolf, took Long to meet Woolf. They talked for a while and finally Woolf said, "You know I don't know how to say this, but you're . . . well, you're really not like I expected you to be . . . you're. . . ."

"Civilized," Long said.

"That's it," said Woolf.

"It happens all the time," Long said later. "I always spend the first five minutes convincing people I'm really Howie Long. They say, 'No, you're not. He's much meaner looking.' They figure I should be wearing a torn black jersey, going around raping and pillaging."

The Boys and Girls Club of Boston sees a very private side of him. He has come back and spoken to the group twice. This fall he will treat 50 of the kids to tickets to the Raiders-Patriots game in Foxboro. "What I would have given if someone would have done that for me when I was a kid," he says. It's a simple matter. You've gotten something from life, you give something back.

Long's fears and his self-doubts are almost gone now. But sometimes at night they do come back, and he feels that maybe this has just been a dream, that he'll wake up and he'll be back in Charlestown again. Then he begins to wonder what might have happened -- if . . . What if his grandmother hadn't been around? What if his uncle Billy hadn't taken him in? What if Dick Corbin hadn't taken him in hand? What if he had been accepted for the electrician's course at vocational school instead of being rejected?

"Well, he'd be an electrician right now," says his aunt Aida. "A tall one. He wouldn't need a ladder."

"I never would have made it out of Charlestown if not for all those people," Long says. "I'd probably be working for the Boston Housing Authority, and I wouldn't be very happy. I wasn't a happy kid. But there was always someone there, always someone saving my ass -- Ma, my uncle Billy, Dick Corbin and his wife and Earl Leggett."

"Call it luck, call it circumstance," Diane Long says, "but you have to wonder how many others there are like him out there, people who could have really done something if given a chance. They knew they were better than what they were, but they never knew what to do about it."

Long stares out the window of his Redondo Beach home, at the lights winking along the Pacific Coast Highway.

"God gave me good people around me, and He gave me size," he says. "It's kind of a miracle, really Diane and I have talked about it. Where would I be now if God hadn't decided to rip me from stone?"

Issue date: January 23, 198, Sports Illustrated

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Torre Time


The Los Angeles Dodgers limped disappointingly into the division series this week, but there's still one record Joe Torre can boast about as he enters his 14th consecutive postseason: His pregame media sessions are, by a landslide, the longest and most honest in baseball.

Described by beat writers over the years as "a must-listen," "a delight" and "baseball's version of the sermon on the mount," Mr. Torre's daily meetings with the press have become the stuff of legend. For nearly an hour before every home game, the soft-spoken 69-year-old sits cross-legged like a Zen master in the Dodgers' dugout, sipping green tea or chomping pink gum and gazing out toward the palm trees that surround the stadium as he waxes poetic about everything from players' antics to his own days as a catcher to the time he took his daughter to a Jonas Brothers concert. On a slow day he might tell the one about the Boston fan he once met in an elevator who told him he'd rather see the Red Sox beat the Yankees than see the U.S. capture Saddam Hussein, or he might reminisce about how relievers were rumored to sneak out of Connie Mack Stadium in Philadelphia to a local bar through a secret passageway near the bullpen.

Mr. Torre's candor stands out at a time when most sports teams are stepping up media training programs for rookies, encouraging players to dodge tough questions with bland, opaque clichés and even hiring professional spin doctors like former White House press secretary Ari Fleischer to steer them through P.R. crises. Mr. Torre says that though his approach occasionally gets him into trouble with Major League Baseball when he "rattles on" about things he's not supposed to, he strives to be as "honest as I can."

While the baseball world is salivating over the prospect of a World Series matchup between Mr. Torre's Dodgers and his former team, the New York Yankees, the skipper's sessions with the press rarely focus on such grandiose questions. Last week he regaled reporters with stories about his recent conversations with director Spike Lee, insisted that his players deserved to pop champagne even if they lost their last series with the Colorado Rockies, expressed relief that his 13-year-old daughter was now wearing Andre Ethier jerseys to games (she routinely sported Yankees attire to Dodgers Stadium last season) and joked about how Derek Jeter used to flex his muscles around the locker room.


"I like to humanize some of the players that people think are plastic," says Mr. Torre.

Theories on Mr. Torre's loquaciousness abound. Some believe he strategically drags out the sessions to take the heat off his players and get reporters out of the locker room, while others believe he genuinely enjoys the chit-chat. Sportscaster Charley Steiner, who worked with Mr. Torre in New York until 2004 and dined with him at 1 a.m. last Saturday night at a Beverly Hills Italian restaurant after the Dodgers finally clinched the division title, says he thinks Mr. Torre likes the mental exercise.

"It's like intellectual batting practice," says Mr. Steiner.

When the questions peter out, Mr. Torre will frequently let up to 20 seconds elapse while reporters look down at their notebooks, fiddle with their tape recorders and turn toward the field to avoid eye contact. (Mr. Steiner says these awkward silences ensue because "everyone's kind of afraid to set off Mount St. Joseph.") Eventually, if no one pipes up, Mr. Torre will often break the ice himself and continue answering one of the previous questions.

"I alternate between thinking, 'This is great,' and 'Oh, my god, I have transcription to do and a story to write," says Michael Becker, a beat reporter for the Press-Enterprise in Riverside, Calif.

Mr. Torre says he has no ulterior motives, but feels that since he has to talk to the media anyway he "might as well have fun with it."

When he got his first job managing in 1977 after 18 seasons as one of the league's best players, he says he wasn't sure how open to be with the press. "I thought I had to be more restrained or act like a different person somehow," he recalls.

But after eight years managing the New York Mets and the Atlanta Braves, Mr. Torre spent the next five seasons in Anaheim as a TV analyst for the Angels and gained new respect for the work reporters do. He started to consider his media sessions more of "an important responsibility" when he took over as manager of the St. Louis Cardinals in 1990, and says the sessions got longer during his 12-year tenure in New York, where the sheer number of reporters, the intense tabloid scrutiny and the drama surrounding the unpredictable whims of owner George Steinbrenner kept the conversation going for at least 45 minutes each day.

"I must have gotten used to it," says Mr. Torre, who still sticks around the dugout for the same amount of time, even though he says the Los Angeles media haven't been nearly as tough on him.

Most baseball managers, by contrast, keep their pre-game media sessions as short as possible—usually five to 10 minutes—and don't necessarily appear to enjoy the experience. Red Sox manager Terry Francona famously loathes being interrupted by cellphones. Beat reporters in St. Louis say Cardinals manager Tony La Russa doesn't answer questions so much as challenge them.

"Someone asks him why, La Russa asks why not, and round it goes," Sports Illustrated columnist Joe Posnanski wrote earlier this year. "Sometimes the exchanges are testy, more often they are sarcastic and good-natured. But they are never easy."

After Mr. Torre left New York, signing a $13 million, three-year contract with the Dodgers last season, the Yankees' new manager, Joe Girardi, moved pre-game media sessions out of the dugout and into the more formal interview room and cut their length in half. By August, many columnists were routinely skipping the sessions, assuming Mr. Girardi would "say nothing of value," a White Plains, N.Y.-based newspaper reported. (A Yankees spokesman says columnists skip his sessions in order to interview players in the locker room—something they used to be able to do from Mr. Torre's dugout sessions while the players were on the field.)

So chatty is Mr. Torre, on the other hand, that he makes news whenever he clams up. When questioned in 2004 about the report that Jason Giambi, Gary Sheffield and Barry Bonds had received steroids from a Bay Area laboratory, Mr. Torre responded: "Next question." (Mr. Torre later said league officials had told him not to talk about the incident, but added that he didn't want to talk about it, either.)

And earlier this year, after negotiations over Manny Ramirez's contract broke down between Dodgers owner Frank McCourt and Mr. Ramirez's agent, a local columnist reported that "perpetually genial manager Joe Torre is now refusing—albeit it in his usual, perpetually genial way—to answer any questions relating to Ramirez."

But those occasions are few and far between. After a 40-minute session on a warm afternoon last month before the Dodgers played the San Francisco Giants (topics ranged from horse racing to who might win the weekend's college football games) Mr. Torre scanned the fidgety crowd for final questions and then asked, "Alright?" Most of the reporters nodded and began to disperse, but one stayed beside Mr. Torre on the bench. "Joe, you said something interesting yesterday…" he began.

Replied Mr. Torre, smiling: "Every once in a while."

Courtesy of wsj 10/09/2009

Friday, October 9, 2009

Obama Nobel Peace Laureate

Dont forget the Pulitzer.. he did come out with a few books.
Below is a conversation I had with a friend of mine. Obviously we stand on different lines when it comes to our parties.

10:06 AM Friend: bonjour cindy how u doing?

10:20 AM me: did u hear obama won the nobel peace prize

10:21 AM Friend: yes this morning. more for effort and good intentions than any results i'd say

10:31 AM Friend: u still dont like him? or u changed ur mind? :)
10:43 AM me: nah, dont like him. obama wins peace prize, but we got iran building nukes, n korea has them, our allies dont like us, where is peace?
those town hall meetings about healthcare reform were not exactly "peace"ful either

10:48 AM Friend: i agree that he hasnt achieved anything significant yet..but he seems to be a nice guy..and on the right path with regard to nukes..he talks abt reducing america's stockpile, which will then give him something to talk about with other countries...who otherwise will simply ask why is it okay for a few countries to have nukes and not the others? did u happen to read krugman today?

10:52 AM me: in order for peace, there must be a dominance player because we live in a world with radicals and unreasonable leaderships like fidel castro and n korea (who starves their own people) and russia (who kills their own people) and Iraq (who killed and tortured his own people). these unreasonable leaders are not out to compromise with anyone

10:54 AM me: how many times has N Korean agreed to disarmament in return for food and $$ and then renege after they received food and $$. there is something wrong w the world when the radical leaders give praise to obama and his 'leadership skills' but all our allies move away from us. they praise him because they see through him. they see he is weak and will not attack nor protect this country

10:57 AM Friend: human ego will never permit one dominant leader...besides, as the financial crisis has shown, being democratic and "advanced" doesnt mean one will be responsible...general vices like greed, selfishness, etc exist all over the world...besides, america is probably the only one to have actually used WMDs (on Japan) the credibility further reduces...also, most of the modern day 'rouge' leaders have been created by short-sighted CIA officials of the past..and now these radical leaders finally think there is someone they can relate to

11:16 AM me: we have weapons to not only protect US but to also protect our allies. Other countries rely on our military to protect them. Look up German's military supply, or France? Or what about Greece? Italy? Swiss? Who do you think other countries are going to look to when they see N korea is pointing their missiles in their direction? What about when N Korea was aiming their missiles in S korea's direction? What about when N Korea was pointing their missiles in Hawaii's directions? Why do so many people come to the US? We are a nation of capitalism, ideas, and power. No one goes to Iran because it's the land of opportunities. US being arm properly not only means protection our country and other countries but also our economy.

11:49 AM Friend: that is exactly what people won't accept...nobody will accept...its like me saying - "I have a multi million-dollar job. But you should be happy with 50k. You shouldn't get more than that because "I" don't believe you will use the extra money wisely. You may use that money against your neighbor or even inside your own home. If you have specific needs like groceries, etc. come to me and I'll help you". which self-respecting individual will accept that? same goes with countries..

12:45 PM me: no other except for the radical countries really think the US are bullies... And to answer your question "which self respecting country would accept help from other country? Plenty, that's why countries join the United Nations...

12:58 PM Friend: ok, we'll continue monday :)
here's something else for now -

Friday, August 14, 2009

Warning: Socialism Ahead

Take 10 minutes out of your weekend and listen to what Ronald Reagan had to say about socialized medicine in 1961.

Socialized medicine has been a liberal/socialist dream for generations and it's dangers are no less today than they were in the 60's

If you do not pay attention and make your voice heard, the free market system that our nation was built on will be dismantled and the damage will be permanent

Obama has the most radical agenda since FDR. It is up to the citizenry in this country to stand up and tell Obama, Pelosi, Reid and the rest of the clowns in D.C. that we believe the strength of this country is in it's free enterprise system; not with some bureaucrats in D.C.

Anybody still believe in that Hope and Change crap? If so, I have some land in Miami I can sell you


Sunday, August 2, 2009

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Bill Maher, the anti-Patriot, the idiot

WOLF BLITZER: Do you think she (Sarah Palin) has a future nationally as a presidential candidate?

BILL MAHER: I don't know about a presidential candidate but I would never put anything past this stupid country.

BLITZER: So people are already complaining that you're calling the United States a stupid country and I'm giving you a chance to clarify.

MAHER: I don't need to clarify. It is.

BLITZER: Well, tell me why you think the United States is a stupid country.

MAHER: Because Sarah Palin could be president. I mean, please, do I need to expand on that any more? Uh, yeah, I do. I think this is in general... I mean, it's a big country. That's the great thing about it. There's 300 million people here. So, within this large country, there are tens of millions of very bright, intelligent people, you know, the ones who are watching us, um, not the ones who are writing the emails.

Uh, but, you know, in general, um, gosh, uh, you know, this country just gets dumber and dumber by the day. And uh, I don't think I have time on your show to list all the reasons.

BLITZER: But you, but you . . . this country did elect Barack Obama president of the United States.

MAHER: Look who he was running against. Yes. I mean, look at the situation. I mean, this was after 8 years of Bush, which was, you know, a pretty much, a disastrous presidency. Uh, John McCain was not a very attractive candidate. And of course, he picked Sarah Palin, uh, to run beside him, and uh, you know, given that choice, I think Americans, you know, came to the fore on that one. But just because they elected a bright guy doesn't mean they're bright.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Who sold the Blacks into slavery?

To quote the words of freed slave Ottobah Cugoano, who was writing in the late 18th century, we find the answer: "But I my own, to the shame of my own countrymen, that I was first kidnapped and betrayed by my own complexion, who were the first cause of my exile and slavery ; but if there were no buyers there would be no sellers."
Sins of The Fathers: A Study of the Atlantic Traders 1441-1807", by James Pope-Hennessey, p. 174-5.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Black is beautiful?

Black is sleek. The black American Express. The black Porsche boxster. The little black dress. And then you have the Blacks. How did the word black become synonymous with luxury and status when how we really came to know of the word is by the African Americans who occupy our govt housings? History has not been fair to them, America is sensitive towards their anguish. We have affirmative action, we acknowledge Martin Luther King, when is enough enough? We have govt housing, welfare programs, assistance programs, how much more of a handicap is needed? Why are they so helpless and continue to allow the white man dictate their lives? They voted for a Black man to be in office but aside from historic reasons, why? Now what? I will never know how it feels like to be a Black person, Hispanic person, or White and they will never how would it feels to walk in my shoes, but everyone has obstacles. Yes, even the White people. White people dont come with white picket fences. They have to buy them just like the rest of us. Why get so caught up on how unfair society is because guess what? Society is not fair to anyone. No one escapes difficulties in life. I know how it is to be me and I can complain about my experiences growing up that I think contributes to where I want to be versus where I am right now, but I'm not going to do that. Because no one is more responsible for myself then myself.
They have spent so much time blaming others for their inadequacies and hang ups, they forgot to study and learn their ABC's. They want respect so they hide behind guns and gang logos. I thank the ones who care about their lives and the lives of their loved ones because 5 years from now, they will have acquired more wealth and happiness, they will have more to lose being a delinquent in our society.
Cosby said it best "“turn the mirror around on ourselves.” “I think that it is time for concerned African Americans to march, galvanize and raise the awareness about this epidemic to transform our helplessness, frustration and righteous indignation into a sense of shared responsibility and action"

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

The King is Dead: The Race Factor...?

The gloved one is dead. Shocked, sad, surprised. How did the race issue come up? Jamie Foxx was on the BET Awards quoted saying "We want to celebrate this black man. He belongs to us and we shared him with everyone else." Really??!!? So did they also get a share of MJ's royalty checks? I dont think so, since two thirds of them are still waiting on the govt's checks. They just want a piece of everything, even if it aint theirs. P Diddy felt the media was being racist for bringing up MJ's negative past. "The way y'all are reporting on this man's know, you know, we didn't do Elvis like that. We didn't do JFK like that. This man is like, you know, one of the greatest heroes for us. He's one of the reasons why Barack Obama's president". First of all, yes we did report on Elvis and JFK like that well, and Frank Sinatra and Marilyn Monroe and a whole host of other celebrities. Because as heartless as this may seen, bad news sells. Not everything is always about race. But it will always feel that way if you hold on to that. Let it go. Let it go. Everyone loved MJ. How did MJ's concert all get sold out? Certainly not by those who are still waiting for their food coupons in their $100 a month subsidized apts. Why put up the race barrier when MJ tried so hard to bring it down. What ever happened to "Heal the world, make it a better place...".

Sunday, June 28, 2009

NJTransit versus GCT

The funny smells, the funny lookin people, the pushing, shoving, filthy floors and walls. Chicos stores and Tiecoon guys. Has two thirds of these people ever seen a gym before? And I am not even asking if they have stepped foot in one just because it's so hot outside, you want a blast of AC for a few moments. I have seen more muffin tops in here then Crumbs bakery. Good luck to them. They will be the same fattys 15 years from now trying to budget their minimum wage salary so they can afford to buy oxygen to shove up their nose as they sit in their govt funded wheelchair in front of a jersey slot machine. But not just any slot machine. The ones that let you insert your credit card and they will credit your acct with multiple instances of 5 cent charges. But that's not enough, they also need the ones that do not have the handle but the button because lifting their arm to grab the handle and pushing it down is too much. The buttons are better. They can rest their arm on the lip of the slot machine and just lift their index or middle finger to press the button, depending on which ethnic background you come from. These are the people why restaurants and trains put up signs about limiting cellphone usage. Silence is foreign to them, as is English. I can't even eavesdrop on a one way conversation just to pass the time. There is a lady on my left, just got done after 20 minutes of referring to the other person on the line as 'mami', she's sitting there with her legs up on the seat in front of her like she's getting ready to give birth. Their version of being patriotic is attending the Puerto Rican parade annually
and being a regular patron of America's favorite meal, Mickey D's. Great. We are passing by the nuclear power plants, I can feel my eyelashes falling off. It's either the power plants or the body odor I have been smelling since I first sat down. My body just revolts and protest in anger in every which way. Every time someone walks pass my seat, they inevitability leave an eye watering repulsive stench that equates to a bucket full of urine left out on one of those hot lazy summer days. Can't they pick up some deodorant with their welfare coupons? Or are they only accepted at Kentucky Fried Chicken and watermelon farms?
The GCT experience - priceless

Thursday, June 25, 2009

His birthday

Michael Jackson passed away on the eve of his birthday.

Jimmy should have been Leno's predecessor, not Conan. He has Tiger Woods on tonight.